To make ( a solution or mixture) less dilute. The concentrated solution withdrawn from the evaporator is known as the thick liquor. 浓缩浓缩(溶液或混合物)从蒸发器中排出的浓缩溶液,称为稠液。
The concentrated solution withdrawn from the evaporator is known as the thick liquor. 从蒸发器中排出的浓缩溶液,称为稠液。
Experimental Study on Salting Law of the Concentrated Mother Liquor in Magnesium-hydroxide Production by Cooling montmorillonite+ Fe-Mg chlorite+ halloysite+ muscovite; 浓缩脱镁母液冷却过程析盐规律的试验研究蒙脱石+铁镁绿泥石+多水高岭石+白云母;
Study on Fertilizer Effects of Compound Fertilizers Made of Ni-Removal Concentrated Liquor from Spent Electroless Nickel Solution on the Potted Corn 除镍化学镀镍废液制成复合肥对玉米肥效的研究
Differential thermal balance was used in thermogravimetric analysis and differential thermal analysis of acid precipitated lignins ( APL) and concentrated black liquor ( CBL). 应用差热天平,对原黑液浓缩物和酸沉析木素进行差热分析和热重分析,得到差热曲线DTA和热重曲线TG。
OBJECTIVE: To study the effects of concentrated liquor from male zooid of Antheraea pernyi to the cellular immune function, humoral immune function, and monocyte phagocytic system of mice. 目的:研究柞蚕雄蛾浓缩液对小鼠细胞免疫,体液免疫及小鼠单核吞噬系统功能的影响。
Modification of Concentrated Sulfite Pulping Spent Liquor and Its Water Reducing Performance to Cement 酸性制浆浓缩废液的改性及对水泥的减水作用研究
Study on pilot experiment of recirculation treatment of concentrated liquor produced by leachate reverse-osmosis 垃圾渗滤液反渗透浓缩液回灌处理中试研究
CONCLUSIONS: The concentrated liquor from male zooid of Antheraea pernyi can obviously enhance the cellular immune system of mice, and has certain stimulative effect to the humoral immune function, and no distinct influence to the monocyte phagocytic system of mice 结论:柞蚕雄蛾浓缩液可显著增强小鼠细胞免疫功能,对小鼠体液免疫反应有一定增强作用,对小鼠单核吞噬系统功能无显著影响
Concentrated Bagasse Black Liquor and Its Characteristics 蔗渣黑液高浓蒸发特性的研究
Effects of Ginkgo Leave Concentrated Oral Liquor in Treating Asthma 浓缩银杏叶口服液治疗支气管哮喘临床观察
To determine the effects of Ginkgo leave conCentrated oral liquor ( OLC) on airway inflammation. 目的:为探讨浓缩银杏叶口服液的气运抗炎作用。
Determination and study of equilibrium composition, bed profile, iron trapping rate of concentrated uranium liquor treated in reciprocal flow ion exchange technique 往复流离子交换技术用于浓缩铀液时平衡组成、床层侧形及铁回收率的测定和研究
The concentrated liquor produced by leachate reverse-osmosis is treated with liquor recirculation. This paper discusses the effect of recirculation on COD and NH_3& N removal and the effect of hydraulic loading and recirculation times on reactor efficiency. 将垃圾渗滤液经反渗透处理后产生的浓缩液进行回灌处理,研究了浓缩液回灌对COD和NH3&N的去除情况、水力负荷和回灌次数对浓缩液回灌效果的影响。
Studies on the chemical composition of tea liquors subject to evaporation concentration and membrane separation concentration showed that the membrane separation concentrated tea liquor was remarkably superior to the conventional evaporation concentrated liquor in quality. 通过对蒸发浓缩和膜分离浓缩所生产茶汁中化学成分研究,结果表明膜分离浓缩所生产茶汁品质显著高于传统蒸发热浓缩工艺生产茶汁。
A study on evaporation technology for high concentrated spent carbonated liquor 碳分母液高浓度蒸发技术的研究与应用